Easily visualize scales anywhere on the neck!
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Find out for yourself why teachers and students have depended on Play Ukulele NOW Methods and Songbooks since 2009
Here we learn a secret the pros all use to easily play solos and licks anywhere on the neck!
What is "CAGED"
With the "CAGED" method (could certainly be called "CAGFD" for the uke" - you'll learn why here) we break the neck up into 5 sections with simple scales and we relate each scale to a chord so you can easily find where you are at any time and in any key!
The real trick here is understanding why each scale is related to a chord - this is often left out when "CAGED" is discussed, leaving the student wondering why the scale is even related to a chord and the most important part of the lesson is missing!
I wasn't taught this important piece of the puzzle in the 80's (what the related chord is for), if I had been my solos and understanding of the neck would have been a lot better.
What we'll do here is learn how the scale forms follow each other and we'll learn the related chord for each scale so if we're in the key of F, for example, we'll know exactly what scale to use in the 1st position - along with that F chord - and we can then easily map out the others over the entire neck.
Five Pentatonic Forms & The "CHEAT SHEET"
We start by learning the five pentatonic forms and how they follow each other - this is step on to mapping out the neck.
GRAB an additional PDF - A MINOR CAGED PENTATONIC (patreon) - Good to have because you may want to use the minor scales with a major key to get that blues sound.
A special THANK YOU goes out to PAUL SHARKEY a new patreon member at the PERFORMER LEVEL - Your awesomeness is helping to make it all happen!
The "Cheat Sheet"
We start with this amazing "CHEAT SHEET" that out lines the 5 the forms - with this alone you may be able to easily memorize them!
Memorize these simple chords and how they allow each other - how many frets they are apart etc. You will see when we get into the forms that they outline the 5 forms. (click on the pictures too see them up close - if you're using a smartphone turn the phone sideways to make them bigger so you can play along).
Slowly strum each chord repeat this a number of times...
The 5 Forms - in C MAJOR
We want to play these one after the other so in memorizing the forms we also memorize how they follow each other, from 2 follows form 1 etc...
We use 5 note form to make it easy on you - no repeated notes..
Play them one after the other as shown, repeating each one a number of times, then moving on to the next.
Notice the left hand fingering fingering.
They must be played this way and in order for this to work. We look at these as a C MAJOR PENTATONIC.
Say it as you play it to help you remember: Say "FORM 1, FORM 2, FORM 3 etc..."
Form 1 is the beginning of "CAGED", which you'll learn shortly could be "CAGFD" on the uke.
Adding the "CAGED" Element (related chords)
New we're going to learn what the related chords are!
This is huge - this is how we know what forms to use where in different keys and easily play solos and licks in different keys with the 5 forms you've just learned.
C shape goes with FORM 1
We start with a C chord and what we'll call the C shape.
A shape goes with FORM 2
G shape goes with FORM 3
You'll recognize this a C chord as well but this is our G shape. Why? if we play an open G chord it'll be 0232, since this is the shape of an open G this is our G shape.
F shape goes with FORM 4
You'll recognize this a C chord as well but this is our F shape. Why? if we play an open F chord it'll be 2010, since this is the shape of an open F this is our F shape.
For ukulele we may call "CAGED" "CAGFD" because we have an F HERE - if we do this on guitar we have an E - and this of course is how professional guitar players visualize the neck.
Now this could be an E chord and it could be "CAGED" but it would be my easy E.
If we play the C chord like this: 97810, rather than 9787, we have the form we use for my easy E - which is 1X02 (notice we have a muted note in that chord). Then our C chord is 97810 which is the same shape as our open E which is 1X02.
That change makes it "CAGED" but many folks will use the E form we see next (the D shape).
D shape goes with FORM 5
You'll recognize this a C chord as well but this is our D shape. Why? if we play an open D chord it'll be 2220, since this is the shape of an open D this is our D shape.
How to use it - Homework...
Once you memorize the above - you're done you can easily play in any key!
I'll walk you through how right here.
If any of these lead you above the 12th fret go an octave lower (13th fret make it the 1st fret).
Let's say we're in the key of F and we want to play some open position licks or perhaps just some passing tones between chords.
- Play that open F chord - now play the related scale (form 4 - make sure it locks into the chord like you learned - it's in the right place), there you have it.
- Now - follow it with the other forms, FORM 5, FORM 1, FORM, 2 AND FORM 3 - play them one after the other exactly how you learned that they follow each other...
Now you've got the whole neck in F major pentatonic!
You can solo or play licks anywhere!
- Play that open D chord - now play the related scale (it'll be form 5 - make sure it locks into the chord like you learned - it's in the right place), there you have it.
- Now - follow it with the other forms, FORM 1, FORM 2, FORM 3, and FORM 4 - play them one after the other exactly how you learned that they follow each other...
- (this is the was is shown above) Play that open C chord - now play the related scale (it'll be form 1 - make sure it locks into the chord like you learned - it's in the right place), there you have it.
- Now - follow it with the other forms, FORM 2, FORM 3, FORM 4, and FORM 5 - play them one after the other exactly how you learned that they follow each other...
- Play that open A chord - now play the related scale (it'll be form 2 - make sure it locks into the chord like you learned - it's in the right place), there you have it.
- Now - follow it with the other forms, FORM 3, FORM 4, FORM 5, and FORM 1 - play them one after the other exactly how you learned that they follow each other...
- Play that open G chord - now play the related scale (it'll be form 3 - make sure it locks into the chord like you learned - it's in the right place), there you have it.
- Now - follow it with the other forms, FORM 4, FORM 5, FORM 1, and FORM 2 - play them one after the other exactly how you learned that they follow each other...
- Play your Bb chord (3211) it's our A shape - now play the related scale (it'll be form 2 - make sure it locks into the chord like you learned - it's in the right place), there you have it.
- Now - follow it with the other forms, FORM 3, FORM 4, FORM 5, and FORM 1 - play them one after the other exactly how you learned that they follow each other...
- Play your E chord (4442) it's our D shape - now play the related scale (it'll be form 5 - make sure it locks into the chord like you learned - it's in the right place), there you have it.
- Now - follow it with the other forms, FORM 1, FORM 2, FORM 3, and FORM 4 - play them one after the other exactly how you learned that they follow each other...
Root Notes
You want to memorize where the root notes are as well - this will help you create better licks - ending on a root note to establish key etc...
Also the root notes can be used to find pattern locations.
Grab PDFs (patreon)
Here you can grab the PDF that goes with this lesson and some additional related PDFs - by joining me on patreon you help me to create more cool stuff for you!!
GRAB AN ADDITIOANL PDF - A MINOR CAGED PENTATONIC (patreon) - Good to have because you may want to use the minor scales with a major key to get that blues sound.
A special THANK YOU goes out to PAUL SHARKEY a new patreon member at the PERFORMER LEVEL - Your awesomeness is helping to make it all happen!
more to come... stay tuned...
Want more (chord stuff)?
Check out my chord related books below. Create beautiful chord progressions in any key and learn to simplify any chord.
Secrets of the Chord Chain: Major and Minor Chord Progressions for the Ukulele
I wish I had books like this when I started playing!
Would have saved me years of frustration.
The great new is you can have them now—In the books I unlock the mysteries of great chord progressions for you and make it so simple to understand that you will be able to create beautiful music right away!
Everything you need to play stunning chord progressions in any key and to fully understand how chord progressions are created and where they come from is here.
Links leads to the books on amazon...
- Secrets of the Chord Chain Book 1 - Major Chord Progressions for the Ukulele
- Secrets of the Chord Chain Book 2 - Minor Chord Progressions for the Ukulele
- Secrets of the Chord Chain Complete - Major and Minor Chord Progressions for the Ukulele (SAVE WHEN YOU BUY THE COMPLETE EDITION - Books 1 & 2 - 130 pages!)
Ukulele Chord Tricks: Simplify Any Chord
There is! This book will solve all of your chord problems...
Any chord can be simplified - in this book I walk you through how to do it with many tricks that the pros know and use all the time!
- Get your paperback on Amazon: Ukulele Chord Tricks - Simplify Any Chord (this leads to the book on amazon and you can preview quite a few pages to check it out)
- Get the eBook (instant download): Ukulele Chord Tricks: Simplify Any Chord
- Get just one chapter: E Chord and Progression Tricks; E Minor Chord and Progression Tricks; two chapters (they go together): Triads & Accompaniment Patterns Some of these are available FREE to patreon members.
FREE PDF's - Chord book and all scales harmonized with chords (with related articles):
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