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Find all my chord related posts here: Chord Tips and Tricks
We talked about substitutes (embellishments - quality changes) for the I chord previously now were covering substitutes for the ii chord (we covered the minor 7b5's and minor 9's already).
The chords we talk about here will work as substitutes for any minor chord.
Most popular choices for a ii substitute (embellishment)
Best choices for ii (iii, or vi) substitute (embellishment):
We looked at the the minor 7b5 and minor already; last in the choices for the ii embellishments is the minor 11.
Check out the minor 11
Play each and listen to the difference...
Try playing just the minor 11 alone, What do you think?
If you're looking for a more sophisticated soulful 'rainy day' sound - this'll do it... It worked for the song 'Purple Rain.'
Minor 11's are used quite a bit in soul music...
About the minor 11
This is a often overlooked option for a minor 7 chord substitute or embellishment. There are easy to make - you take a Minor 7-5 chord and lower the 5th 1/2 step and it becomes the 11th tone.
Minor 11 chords consist of 6 tones; The root note (1); a minor 3 (b3); a perfect 5th (5); minor 7 (b7) and the 9th tone (9) and the 11th tone (11).
Two notes need to be left out (because we only have 4 strings) - for the most commonly used minor 11 chord forms (preferred by many jazz guitarists - they typically use a 4 note version as well) we leave out the 9th and the 5th (the 5th is lowered to get the 11th tone).
You may say - "Hey - without the 9 it's technically a minor 7 (add11)" and you'd be right but the 9th tone is frequently left out of these and they are usually still called Minor 11 chords.
Lets take a look at them...
You'll notice that these share the same shape as a 6/9 chords.
Rules to remember:
- Take a minor 7 and lower the 5th one step and you'll have the minor 11
- Take a minor 7 b5 and lower the 5th 1/2 step and you'll have a minor 11th
Like the minor 9 - Interestingly enough, many popular chord books do not have the minor 11 in them!
Also - 11 chords in general usually appear with weird spellings (the notes included in the chords are not what they should be). For example: The spelling for a dominant 11 is completely different (they usually will not have a 3rd due to the dissonance between the major 3rd and the 9) and for major chords usually we find a #11 (#11 solves the dissonance issue). That's why our I chord sub is a Major 9#11.
Although it is often overlooked it is one of the top 3 choices for a minor chord embellishment!
GRAB YOUR (PDF) MINOR 11 CHORD CHARTS HERE (Charts show MINOR 11 chords all the way up the neck) and GRAB YOUR FULL COLOR CHEAT SHEET HERE (patreon)
How to use them
Wherever you see a minor 7 in a scale harmonized with 7 chords a minor 11 may be used.
The minor 11 may be substituted for the ii, iii, or vi chord (any minor 7chord).
For the progressions that follow try strumming each chord slowly (1 slow strum for each chord) and then go on to the next chord. Listen to the beauty of each chord - also play the with two strums per chord as indicated, repeat each progression a number of times.
Let's take a look at a ii V I progression...
Let's take a look at a ii V I progression...
PROGRESSION 1 - ii V I harmonized with 7 chords:
In this progression we can substitute the minor 11 for the ii chord (which is D minor 7); take a look:
PROGRESSION 2 - ii V I with the minor 9 for the ii chord:
Play progression 1 a number of times (repeating it etc...)
Then play progression 2 - listen closely to the difference... What do you think?
Now lets take a look at a I VI ii V progression, we changed the quality of the VI like we did in the previous lessons.
PROGRESSION 3 - I VI ii V harmonized with 7 chords:
PROGRESSION 4 - I VI ii V with the minor 9 substituted for the ii chord:
We're gonna spice this one up with some 'extra flavor' - the same I VI ii V...
We're going to use the minor 11's for the VI and the ii, and some 9's like we did in the last lesson.
PROGRESSION 5 - I VI ii V with a major 9 for the I chord minor 11 for vi & ii, and may as well use a Dominant 9 for the V chord (we'll talk about those in depth later):
Whenever you run across a minor 7 you can slip these in (a minor 11).
One more...
We'll continue the 'extra flavor' trend with the ii - V - I
PROGRESSION 6 - ii V I with minor 11 for the ii, dominant 9 form the V, and C major 9 for the I:
The I chord could be any of the options we looked here try it with the others, a major 6, 6/9 or major 9 #11 for the I chord...
"Pin me" you 'Ukulele Friends' will want to see this"
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